Spreadsheet Inspection Framework

A free software for Spreadsheet Inspection and Testing


The Spreadsheet Inspection Framework (SIF) consists of two components:

To make full use of the Spreadsheet Inspection Framework, you will need to install both components.


System Requirements

In order to run SIFCore, you will need the following software to be installed:


  1. Make sure your system satisfies the described requirements.
  2. Download and unpack the ZIP-archive with the binaries from the link above.
  3. Copy the Folder "Spreadsheet Inspection Framework" (contained in the ZIP-Archive) to drive C ("C:\"). Please note: the blanks are required and the path is currently hardcoded (sorry!).

Building and installing from source

In order to build SIFCore, you will need the following additional components to be installed:

To build SIFCore from source, proceed as follows:
  1. Make sure your system satisfies the described requirements.
  2. Download the source code from our Github repository.
  3. Run the default Ant task
  4. SIFCore will be compiled into a directory named "dist".
  5. Copy the "dist" folder to drive C ("C:\") and rename it to "Spreadsheet Inspection Framework". Please note: the blanks are required and the path is currently hardcoded (sorry!).

SIFEI (Environment Integration)

System Requirements

In order to run the environment integration, you will need the following software to be installed:

Other environments might work but have not been tested.

Building and installing from source

In order to build the system, you will need the following additional components:

Below are the steps for a full installation from source:
  1. Make sure your system satisfies the described requirements.
  2. Download the source code from our Github repository.
  3. Import the source code into Microsoft Visual Studio.
  4. Publish the project to a folder, it will generate a setup.exe installer.
  5. Run the setup.exe installer and follow its instructions.

The Spreadsheet Inspection Framework is a research project at the University of Stuttgart, Germany.
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